
Store any text securely behind a time lock

0/2000 characters

Unlock will take 15 minutes

LaterLock is free and open source. View the source code on GitHub.

How does this work?

  1. Enter any text you want to lock away temporarily.
  2. Set the unlock delay. This is how long it will take to unlock the content after you request it.
  3. Optionally encrypt with a password.
  4. Bookmark the unique link to get back to it later.
  5. To access it again, request unlock and wait for the delay.

Is it secure?

All data is encrypted. If you set a password, it's encrypted in your browser before it's sent to us. So if you lose the password, there is no way for anyone to recover the content.

If you don't set a password, we still encrypt it on the server with a system-wide key.

We use AES-256-GCM encryption and PBKDF2 with HMAC-SHA-256 (600,000 iterations) for key derivation, either from your password or a system-wide key, plus a random salt. This is similar to the encryption used by password managers.

The unique URL to the lock page has 180 bits of entropy using cryptographically secure random number generation.

What would I use this for?

Up to you! Here are some ideas:

  • Help self-control by password-locking device screen time or content controls and storing the password (or part of it) in LaterLock
  • Store emergency recovery codes you can share